The medical articles on this site are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to be used to diagnose or treat your pet, or to replace the recommendations of a qualified veterinarian that has examined your pet.
Your pet will feel and act younger with freedom from
chronic pain or other disease symptoms
Integrative Therapy (IT) combines the most appropriate treatments from conventional veterinary medicine and surgery with acupuncture (AP) and herbal medicine, which are derived from much older, holistic disciplines. Utilizing the very best therapies available from different major medical systems optimizes quality of life, and can extend lifespan by months to years.
Treatment with acupuncture (AP) and herbal medicine can significantly enhance quality of life and lifespan in senior pets. This includes pain relief; enhanced mobility, appetite, energy and cognitive function; and greatly improved digestion. In addition, it can help to relieve the anxiety they may feel if their hearing and eyesight become diminished.
Many chronic conditions that affect our pets can be markedly improved with holistic therapy. In some cases, AP and herbal are the only effective treatments available. Most often, though, they are combined with conventional medicine. Symptoms that can be successfully treated include chronic joint pain due to arthritis; intermittent vomiting, diarrhea, and pain from inflammatory bowel disease; weakness, incontinence, paralysis, and back or neck pain due to disk problems, arthritis, or degenerative myelopathy; and decreased appetite and general debilitation from kidney disease or from cancer.
Many middle-aged and senior cats and dogs are suffering from undiagnosed pain due to arthritis or other degenerative conditions. This causes them to “slow down” gradually, but considerably. These pets are often stiff upon waking or after exercise; have less desire and stamina to run, play or go on walks; exhibit decreased ability to jump onto furniture or into the car; may have trouble with stairs; and have less energy, mobility and flexibility, overall.Animals don't show these declines because they are “just getting old,” but because they are in pain. Chronic pain is NOT a normal part of the aging process and requires immediate treatment.
Older pets with diminished kidney, liver, heart or GI function, may be unable to take the most commonly prescribed pain medicines. These pets can be safely and effectively treated with AP.